Sunday, October 26, 2008

Anyone got " A Feast For Crows"?

"A Song of Ice and Fire" really is one of the best things I've had the chance to read, definitely so fantasy-wise. I'm totally obsessed with Petyr Baelish's character now that I've finished book 3. He's suddenly become one of my favourite ones in the book... Yeah, I know, what happened to supporting the good? Then again, any good/evil moments that may have been there in "A Game of Thrones" are simply not there any more by the end of "A Storm of Swords". Martin doesn't really tell you who you should like or support or not... which is really different in a good way. Who says the Lannisters are worse than the Baratheons? What about the Tyrells who seem to be aspiring to become the new Lannisters? Maybe Baelish should be the next king... he definitely seems like the one Westeros character who'd be up to it. Though I'm still hoping for Daenerys to come along, of course. Daenerys is the only character who still sort of gives me the feeling of having some idea of where this story might be going. She's my favourite one, too. Then come the Stark children (well, not so children any more) and, as of now, Petyr Baelish. Whose first name btw is almost the same as that of my dad... as I just noticed.

OK, after talking at length about stuff that says nothing to someone who hasn't read the book and nothing new to someone who has, I'll just sum up with saying George Martin is a genius.


Sunday, October 19, 2008

Simple truths

Some things are so easy to forget for some reason. Even if you know them one day, in a week you might live as if you never did... and a week from then you don't know why you live any more. It has happened so many times, one would think I knew already. Knew that feeling lost does not mean being lost, only forgetting. Strange how you can so easily forget the most important things in your life.

Because I do know. Or at least I have a clue.

The way of the caduceus.

To be alone and all one at the same time. One.

Something I wrote about here perhaps year ago. Sometimes I remember, sometimes I don't. If I remembered more, who knows...

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Going back to my roots

which funnily enough means raising my gaze up from the ground. Sometimes even putting on rose-coloured angel-shaped glasses. Perhaps some things I thought to be fake are not entirely so. At least they are significant for me. Perhaps I am returning to them on a new level.

Time to remember what it means to love again.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


I have friends. Sometimes I seem to take it for granted, but right now I feel so thankful for that. It really means a lot, doesn't it. Having people around you who you feel good about and who feel good about you. Regardless of what levels of mutual understanding there can be reached with any particular individual... the very fact of being there for each other matters a lot. It's wonderful to remember that sometimes :)

Sunday, October 12, 2008

If I only knew I had wings. And a world to discover.

Words written so long ago seem no less true now... perhaps even more, because now I can really say nothing is lacking in my life as it is. From every normal perspective my life is wonderful. It really is. The acommodation part perhaps not quite so, but everything else... But something IS lacking. Perhaps will forever be, perhaps it is not something a human life can have in this world. Maybe it is a dream of a child, something people are supposed to grow out of. I don't want to grow out of it. I can walk, yes. I can even run. And I've come to love the ground I walk upon. But still I wish for a greater destiny.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Spoonbending party!!!

Reedel, 10. oktoobril kell 19.00 toimub Narva mnt 27 ühikas Kunni ja Airi juures vestluse-lusikaväänamise õhtu. Vestlusteemaks on sugudevahelised erinevused ja soorollid. Lusika/kahvliväänamisest lähemalt kohapeal. Võtke kaasa oma söögiriist, meelelahutus on meie poolt. :) Kellele asi huvi pakub, helistage mulle või võtke muul viisil ühendust, siis edastan ka muu info, mis lisaks tulla võib. Kindlasti palun osalemissoovi korral ette teatada.

Jään ootama :)

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Sisutühi olemine

Mõõdukas/väikeses koguses kasulik, suuremas tappev. Minu puhul hakkab asi vist mõõdukuse piiri ületama. Kui välja arvata eilne suht erandlik päev, on viimasel ajal kuidagi... ma ei teagi... Ärkan hommikul üles ja veedan järgmised tund aega, üritades otsustada, kas mul üldse on mingit mõtet voodist välja ronida. Lõpuks küll teen seda, aga eriti midagi produktiivset sealt ei tule. Võib-olla on asi selles, et ma tahaksin kohutavalt teha midagi produktiivset, aga samas pole üldse sellele meelestatud. Praegu viitsiks tõenäoliselt kõige rohkem lihtsalt mingite inimestega suhelda ja meeldivalt aega viita ja nii. Isegi lugeda ei viitsi, kuigi mul on mitu huvitavat raamatut pooleli.

Lihtsalt täielik tüdimus on kõigest. Absoluutselt igasuguse põhjuseta.